Chemical and Process Engineering is a discipline in the field of technical sciences.
The purpose of Chemical end Process Engineering is to design and model unit and integrated processes in the chemical industry and related industries such as energy, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and wastewater treatment plants.
The scope of chemical engineering includes, among others, design of apparatus and devices such as mixers, chemical reactors, bioreactors, microreactors, heat exchangers and equipment for the separation and purification of chemicals, foods, drugs, enzymes.
Graduates of Chemical and Process Engineering major are working in design offices or on management positions in production in industries such as:
- chemical,
- petrochemical,
- pharmaceutical,
- food,
- paper,
- textile,
- biotechnological,
- heating,
- environmental protection.
At present there are numerous job offers on both Polish and foreign for graduates of Chemical and Process Engineering major.
Chemical and Process Engineering is the direction offered exclusively at technical universities. Wroclaw is the only university in the western-southern Poland, where the direction is maintained.
It involves:
7 semesters of Engineering studies, the successful graduate receives the engineer title,
3 semesters (4 in case of people with Bachelor title) of master's studies,
8 semesters of PhD studies, the successful graduate receives the PhD title.
After the completion of the Engineering studies the graduate possess the expertise supported by appropriate skills acquired during the lab sessions about all unit processes related to the transport of momentum, heat and mass transfer processes as well as reactor processes and has the ability to handle fundamental graphics, computing and design programs.
The master’s studies offer 3 specialties and depending on the choice future graduate acquire relevant skills.
PhD studies are designed for people thinking about scientific career or looking for a top positions in the industry. The subject of the dissertation is to be agreed individually with the superviser.
The diploma and PhD theses are often a multidisciplinary ones combining chemical engineering technology chemical engineering, bioprocess, biomedical engineering, materials engineering, nano-engineering, physical chemistry or environmental protection.
Prof. Anna Trusek-Hołownia is the head of the direction of Chemical and Process Engineering at the Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Wroclaw.
All information and questions related to the study on the direction can be addressed to:
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Consultation Room 111, building 6, ul. Norwid 4/6 (actual hours at this address).